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    Reduce weight, beautiful thin body

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Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

Recommend six recruit, want to reduce weight don't rebound!!!!!
Von boyang, 03:33

Recommend six recruit, want to reduce weight don't rebound!!!!!
"Life rest, reduce weight more than" is a lot of fat of the friends of motto. This not only shows the weight loss is not easy, more show that the keep weight rebound difficult. What is rebound? Say simply, rebound after reducing weight is once again obesity. Fatty easy weight difficult, how to defend the success of hard after reducing weight, look below I introduce 6 big lose weight trick!
Reduce weight a secret: targets

All the action should reduce weight to health for the purpose, and shall conclude some really can reach the target weight loss, can step by step to improve gradually, requirements, must not too chew, otherwise easy to frustrating and eventually reduce weight failure. Generally speaking, can be made to the goal of reducing weight is one to two pounds a week and lose weight more than five pounds a week, the injury body weight, and is easy to pick up.

Reduce weight 2: the secret weight every day

Some obesity experts held in vancouver, Canada's obesity seminar suggested, every day, and weight may be to prevent the person that reduce weight weight rebounds in an effective way. These experts in a year and a half of time for a 291 dieters (most of whom are women) part in research projects. The results found that, on the weight of daily, only 39 BaiFenHao weight 1 years later rally more than 2.25 kg. This project officials think day after day, says weight can be found as changes in weight, can be in just when to remedy to weight gain.
Reduce weight recipe 3: lazy person passive sport

If you are too lazy too busy, also can put on some can electrify every day to you some parts of the model body meter, do exercise vibration machine etc, make fat you don't do exercise in the case and make some fat place the movement, but can these instruments choice should choose good reputation to buy.

Reduce weight a secret 4: but rely on medicine reducing weight

By weight loss pills may after discontinuation of obesity phenomenon, should not be random rebound abuse, in case the weight loss, can take boomgeranged. Even if the need to take medicaments reducing weight, also should be under the guidance of the reasonable application, not their abuse at will take.

Reduce weight 5: good new secret eating habits

Build a good new eating habits, and if you more suitable for three meals a day, four meal, eat much food less way to lose weight, it should keep this regularly eating habits. In addition, bedtime snack don't eat the dietary habit indeed helped many people thin body. To nibble slow pharynx, eat less snacks and dessert, rice, noodles, staple food intake, and try to reduce all of spirits diet health way.
Reduce weight secret 6: moderate exercise

Trot, running in the morning, calisthenics, rhymes, dance or walking, swimming, these movements were favorable to keep figure. Sports must persevere, by halves, even if not daily exercise, but can have a few times a week to keep the best and continue. Next to ensure that "moderate". The so-called "moderate exercise", it refers to the best can do a little sweat, a carry momentum to 15 minutes to 30 minutes advisable.

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